图片 高中英语语法:如何用英语告别_欧冠竞彩在哪买-欧冠足彩怎么买-推荐app下载**


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来源::未知 | 作者:欧冠竞彩在哪买-欧冠足彩怎么买-推荐app下载** | 本文已影响
  1. 暗示告别的常用套语:
  I‘ve got to be going now. 我现在得走了。
  I must be going now. 我现在必须走了。
  I‘m afraid I must be going now. 恐怕我现在得走了。
  It‘s getting late. I’m sorry I must be going now. 不早了,很抱歉,我得走了。
  I‘d better be going now. 我最好现在走了。
  I think it‘s time for me to leave now. 我想我该走了。
  I‘m afraid I must be off. 恐怕我得走了。
  It‘s about time I was going. 我该走了。
  Oh, it‘s already six. I must be leaving now. 哦,已经六点了,我得走了。
  Well, I think I‘d better be leaving now. 哦,我想我现在该走了。
  2. 对暗示告别的回答:
  Can‘t you stay any [a little] longer? 不再呆会儿吗?
  Must you really be going? 真的要走了吗?
  Do you really want to go? 真的要走了吗?
  I won‘t keep you, then. Bye! 那我就不留你了,再见。
  In that case I won‘t keep you. 那我就不留你了。
  So soon? Can‘t you stay a little longer? 这么快就走?不再呆会儿吗?
  Must you? It‘s still early. 一定要走了吗? 还早呢!
  Thanks for dropping in. 谢谢你来看我。
  3. 告别时的客套话:
  Drop in again when you‘re free. 有空请再来。
  Please drop in whenever you have time. 有空请再来。
  Have a good day. 祝你度过愉快的一天。
  Have a nice weekend. 祝你周末愉快。
  Don‘t forget to give me a ring. 别忘了给我来电话。
  I wish you a pleasant journey. 祝你一路顺风。
  I hope you‘ll have a pleasant trip. 祝你旅途愉快。
  4. 告别时请人转达问候的客套话:
  Please give my best regards to your family. 请向你们全家问好。
  Best wishes to your parents. 请向你父母问好。
  Remember me to your mother. 向你妈妈问好。
  Mention me to Jim. 向吉姆问好。
  Say hello to your wife for me. 请代我向你妻子问好。
  5. 表示“再见”的客套话:
  Goodbye. 再见!
  Good night. 晚安;再见。
  See you (then)。 再见。
  See you later. 再见。
  See you soon. 再见。
  See you around. 再见。
  See you tomorrow. 明天见。
  So long. 再见。
  Bye. 再见。
  Bye-bye. 再见。
  Bye for now. 再见。
  Cheerio. 再见。
  Cheers. 再见。
  Take care. Bye. 多保重,再见。
  Take it easy. 慢走。
  Take your time. 慢走。
  1. 在与客人道别时,由于各国的风俗习惯不同,有不少告别的话也有所不同。比如我们中国人常说“慢走”,在英语中绝不能直译为 Walk slowly, Go slowly.等,要表示类似的意思,可用 Take it easy!, Take your time! 等。
  2. 中国有句俗话,叫“杀鸡不如远送客”,其意是说用丰盛的饭菜来招待客人固然重要,但与之相比,“远送客”显得更重要所以我们中国人在送客时,往往是送了一程又一程,告别的话说了一遍又一遍。 我们的这种习俗在英美人看来是不可思议的,他们送客往往是送到门口即止。当然若是客人对当地的路不熟悉或有其他特殊原因,则是另外一回事了。
