图片 高考英语写作技巧——并列句_欧冠竞彩在哪买-欧冠足彩怎么买-推荐app下载**


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来源::未知 | 作者:欧冠竞彩在哪买-欧冠足彩怎么买-推荐app下载** | 本文已影响
  Li Ming was ill. He didn’t go to school yesterday. →Li Ming was ill, so he didn’t go to school yesterday.
  I do every single bit of housework. My husband Bob just does the dishes now and then. → I do every single bit of housework while my husband Bob just does the dishes now and then.
  析:原来的两个简单句单独使用时,其对比或比较的语气显得较弱,但使用while这个并列连词将这两个简单句连接在一起构成并列句后,其比较或对比的语气就变得非常地强,更能起到表意的功能(from www.nmet168.com)。
  Black clouds appear and stain the clear sky. At first they are over the distant forest. Soon the whole village becomes dark. A violent gale comes on. It moves at full speed under the beating, anger, and threat of the clouds.
  Black clouds appear and stain the clear sky. At first they are over the distant forest but soon the whole village becomes dark and a violent gale comes on and moves at full speed under the beating, anger, and threat of the clouds.
